Do YOU know the difference between soundproofing and sound treatment? What about the difference between dBV, dBVU, and dBv? What about the difference between Vibrato and Tremolo? If you've ever wanted to know the real definitions to some of the most commonly confused audio terms out there, then keep reading. The most recent episodes of the Recording Lounge Podcast are all about Commonly Confused Audio Terms. These are terms that anyone from a newbie to a pro can get confused, so don't feel bad!
I've had lots of requests over the years to make a podcast about various terms - with listeners emailing me questions like "what's the difference between Harmonics and Overtones?" That's a pretty short answer, and not one I can really fill up a podcast with, so over the years I decided to take a bunch of these terms and combine them all into TWO INFO PACKED EPISODES. The first of these two episodes deals with the following terms:
And PART TWO involves these commonly confused terms:
Please make sure to check out these episodes, you'll be very glad you did so. It's never a bad idea to brush up on the fundamentals; terminology can help us communicate better with fellow engineers and other audio professionals, and also strengthen our understanding of audio as a whole. You can listen to these episodes on iTunes or with our podcast player, HERE. Thank you for being listeners and fans! -Kendal
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AuthorKendal Osborne is the Host of the Recording Lounge Podcast and the Owner / Head Engineer at The Closet Studios Archives
April 2021